Monday, June 1, 2009


joel, ben, jordan, and i would play street hockey in front of the house. we would use milk boxes from Costco as goals. I would be the only one to wear roller blades whilst my brovas always found it easier to stop and turn in shoes. whatev, we knew who had all the flair. once, and i think the ONLY time, we got Josh Davis to play with us. He slipped on some loose rocks and fell down on his bum. Not surprisingly, Josh cried, really loudly, yelling, "OWIEE! MOMMY!" and ran home. He even forgot to take his hockey stick with him. Yikes! oh well, he was a dynamo in the sandbox! josh really knew how to dig a tunnel. oh yeah, there was also that thing with him and the blue van. Ben knows more about that than i


  1. Actually I know more about the josh d hosing the blue van than Ben does, as I discovered the misdemeanor mid-stream. I threatened him with as much bodily harm as a 16 yr old bouncer-wannabe can muster. I think he resumed watering the rest of our cars a bit more surreptitiously from that point forward.

  2. We used to play "traffic" on our bikes and pretend like we were merging in and out of lanes filled with cars. I loved my green Huffy, but hated when Jordan would ride it.

  3. I will admit that I was envious of your ability to glide so effortlessly over the once-new blacktop of louviers ave, and your never-say-die insistence to wear those things everywhere until you became really good at them. Who's to say we couldn't have singlehandedly resurrected roller derby if only the rest of the family had been as dedicated to the 'blades as you were.

  4. 'member when "the little girls" started tying the yellow newspaper binding things to our handlebars to pretend we were riding horses?

  5. No. But I was, like, 30 years older than you 'little girls,' so no doubt i was already out riding real horses and racing cars by then.
