Tuesday, June 30, 2009


his name was psalty. he was a book. he was a male book. he was blue. and he led human children choirs.
THAT's not confusing.

let's talk about Antsilvania. a story about a disobedient, adolescent, talking ant.

or the music machine. wah-wah, chicka-chicka, bonk-bonk.


  1. you can still find psalty songs on itunes.

  2. Let's not forget the singing decendents of that blue hardback...Melody, Harmony and Rhythm, who, in a classic line that lives eternally inside all of our heads, would never "TONE IT DOWN!"
    "TONE IT...er..sputter...spit...er, tone it down, rhythm!"

  3. The ants of Antsylvania are hard working. Their leader is the Command-ant who is also a par-ant. He has a son named Ant-ony who was growing up to be a fine young ant, except that he grew tired of working and wanted to go off to be rich and famous and free. He wanted to be an Independ-ant. So Ant-ony asked his par-ant, the Command-ant for his share of the family’s possessions. Then he went off a far distance where he was deceived and relieved of all he owned, barely escaping with his life.

    Ant-ony was too ashamed to go home with nothing to show for his adventures. We could say he was a reluct-ant. However he was homesick, so he decided he would go back at night to Antsylvania for one last look. However, sneaking around in the darkness, he was mistaken for a prowler and was captured by the villag-ant-es who took Ant-ony to the Command-ant, his par-ant who rejoiced that his lost son had returned. Ant-ony confessed that he had been an ignor-ant, and asked if his father could ever forgive him. The father replied that a repent-ant is always welcomed, and then the Command-ant ordered the fatted aphid to be killed. And they all lived industriously and happily together ever after.

  4. My fav was nathaniel the grublet, and to this day I picture the mythical and all-too-terrifying 'Direwood' when i read stephen king books set in a dark forest. I don't know how nathaniel and his dopey dog made it out alive.

    < picture a dark, scary tree looming over terrified nathaniel as he sings the following in a baritone >

    "Whaaaat are you doooo-ing here?
    iiis iiit...you have nooo fear?
    The legend says you'll disappear...
    At dawn, in DI...RE-WOOD!
    Bwah AH AH AH aaaaaH!"

    Also the hit single that never would leave your head for the rest of the day...

    "Fatha Grublet taught us wrong,
    he had us woikin' all day looooong,
    now we've found an easier way,
    we cheat, and steal...and neh...vaaah...pay!"

    Hit the link for 30 second snippets of the best days of your lives: http://www.goccc.com/ag4set15of.html

  5. "Have patience, Have patience, don’t be in such a hurry. When you get impatient, you only start to worry. Remember, Remember that God is patient too, so think of all the times when others have to wait for you."

  6. you can find some Psaltys on youtube, as well. I've been searching so i can get these babies started early.
    "when I opened my eyes, there was my baseball, right at my feet! I love you, Lord."

    "Tommy, Tommy! are you in there?"

    "I hear whistling..."

  7. HOw about the alphabet bible verse song, whihch was my personal favorite...Im gonna hide God's word, in my heart its a lamp unto my feet. I'm gonna read God's word everyday its the fume-ma-beta-me (?) I'm gonna stand on the truth of the bible, Im gonna open my eyes- im gonna memorize...A- all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God...B- believe...

  8. i think that mother never fully realized how much pain she could inflict on a child's right shin by simply reaching two pinchy fingers back from the around driver's seat in either the blue van or the gray van.

    each time i ever got that pinch on the leg, i thought, "Sheesh! why do i EVER sit in this seat?!"

  9. I don't recall that alphabet bible song. Which church was that in? Maybe I was long gone when that one made the rounds.

  10. I do recall quickly crippling younger siblings' legs with a swift & unexpectant middle-finger-knuckle shot-to-the-thigh resting on the church pew next to me. They all did well to squelch that urge to yell in church :)
